
Permaculture is..

… “a design system for creating sustainable human habitats. The aim is to create systems that are ecologically sound and economically viable; which provide for their own needs, do not exploit or pollute, and are therefore sustainable in the long term while rapidly being able to regenerate degraded systems.”

… “is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other
material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.”

… about working with nature. This can be the nature of the landscape you are working with, the nature of yourself, or the nature of the child who loves to get muddy!

… based on the three ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share, and on principles learnt from observing nature and natural systems.

One of my favourite of the permaculture principles is ‘the problem is the solution’. This enables people to work out solutions from what can seem like big problems – for example I created a herb spiral from 2 eyesores – one a pile of subsoil and topsoil dumped within a formal garden filled with docks, nettles, and the other a dumping area filled with building waste including roof tiles.

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