Diploma Tutor

Finished your Permaculture Design Course? Want to improve your permaculture skills? Permaculture Tutoring may be for you…


the Diploma

The Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design is an internationally recognised qualification, started by Bill Mollison as a way of recognising people’s commitment and skills in permaculture design. It is a clear route to design consultancy and teaching permaculture.

To find out more about the diploma click here.

diploma tutoring

Lusi is an assessment level tutor for the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design through the Permaculture Association (Britain). To complete the diploma, apprentices need to complete 10 designs. This is generally done as self-directed learning. Lusi can offer one to one tuition to help you on this process, giving clear tasks between tutorials to take you step by step towards completing the full Diploma. I could also facilitate a process which would enable you to create one design of diploma standard over several days.

See here for more info

assessing designs

Lusi can support you through the process of creating a permaculture design, whether land-based or people-based. You don’t have to be doing the diploma for me to assess a design. You may just want me to look at what you are working on and support you to make a design which will be more aligned with permaculture ethics, principles and using the design tools.


If you have finished your PDC, just get in touch with me and we can make a time to meet. Lusi is based in Galloway, and is happy assessing designs over the internet: with for example: zoom, whats app, skype, email, Google Drive. In normal circumstances (not Covid 19 quarantine) Lusi travels to deliver courses and workshops in various places (mostly in the UK), and is always happy to slot in an extra tutorial if that is better for you.

Improve your permaculture skills